Vakanz - Winter 24/25 - LuxairTours

General terms and conditions Find out more about the LuxairTours terms and conditions Important notices Find out more about the general details of LuxairTours package holidays LALUX Assurances Find out more about the general information regarding LuxairTours travel insurance Personal data protection Find out more about the use of your personal data Find all the legal information on the LuxairTours website at the following address:, in the Travel Stores or in your travel agency. How to use the QR code: 1. Open the camera app or another QR code app. 2. Hold the device so that the QR code is displayed in the viewfinder of the camera app. 3. Tap on the pop-up message to open the link associated with the QR code. Legal information IMPORTANT NOTICES • A ll room photos are examples of rooms • All "from" prices are per person at full rate and for the length of the stay stated • Subject to printing errors and space availability • Further information regarding the hotels can be found at • Other room categories and board types available on